Chlorpyrifos Product Portfolio

Publish time: 4th March, 2011      Source: CCM
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      Recently, CCM has released its newest global market report on chlorpyrifos, World Outlook of Chlorpyrifos 2011-2015. Combined with chlorpyrifos data book on export summary and major producer information, CCM has formed the all-round product portfolio of China's chlorpyrifos research and analysis.




      In the Data book of chlorpyrifos, export summary will be summarized by different dimensions, including month, destination, exporter and manufacturer, etc. As for producer information, contact details, such as enterprise name, address, website, telephone email, etc. will be provided. Moreover, production information of major Chinese manufacturers is also listed. With our exclusive primary market intelligence, you can better understand market tendency and grasp more business opportunities. The followings are some key findings about Chinese chlorpyrifos industry in 2010 by CCM.




      World Outlook of Chlorpyrifos 2011-2015begins with the world economic overview and outlook for both world agricultural and insecticide industry. Analyses have been made on registration situation, technology progress, supply and demand summary. This report also provides trade situation in different countries, including China, India, the US, Argentina and Colombia.




      This report attaches importance to the following aspects from both historical changes and future trends


      -Production of chlorpyrifos technical worldwide and key manufacturers


      -Supply of chlorpyrifos formulations and market share by key players


      -Demand by crops & formulation types by countries & continents


      -Market value changes in the past and market potential in the future


      -Trade flow of both chlorpyrifos technical and formulations


      -Price trend and influencing factors of chlorpyrifos and difference by regions & brands




      Chlorpyrifos is the largest organophosphorus insecticide worldwide in both volume and value. The market value of its formulations has been amounting to USD648 million in the world. According to CCM, there have been only several supply countries of chlorpyrifos technical in the world by 2010. By 2010, the world's supply of chlorpyrifos technical has been concentrated in China and India. Thanks to the superiority in scale production and the lower labor cost, China has advantages of enjoying world's most sufficient supply of chlorpyrifos raw materials.




      Some leading producers in China, such as Redsun, will play a more and more important role in the global chlorpyrifos industry. Redsun possesses two production routes of chlorpyrifos technical, trichloro-acetyl chloride and pyridine route, with marked advantages in production cost and raw material supply. Pyridine route is expected to become the mainstream route for chlorpyrifos technical production till 2015, to take over the current popular route with considerable environmental concern, namely trichloro-acetyl chloride route.




      However, market share of key players has changed significantly in the past years in the global chlorpyrifos formulation market, and this trend will continue. The traditional top three market players, Dow AgroSciences, Makheshim Agan and Cheminova, have suffered decreasing market share in the past five years. Analyzed by continents, Asia & Oceania has contributed the most to demand growth of chlorpyrifos in the world, according to CCM.




      Demand growth of chlorpyrifos in some large consumption countries has shown remarkable decline, and its demand growth will continue to slow down year by year. Asia and South America will be the key drivers for demand growth of chlorpyrifos in the future years.




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      Production and Market of Chlorpyrifos in China - Edition(1)


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      Export summary data of Chlorpyrifos technical in China in 2010 - Edition(1)


      Major producer info of Chlorpyrifos technical in China in 2010 - Edition(1)


      Export summary data of Chlorpyrifos formulations in China in 2010 - Edition(1)

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